- Got feedback for chapters 1-7 from Reader #1. Oh God, my typos and brainfarts in the text!...Asked for dozens of more opinions about the characters and structure from the Reader #1. Poor thing...
- Mulling over what to do with the lore of the Project. Wonders if certain details should be changed now before they become plotholes, or rather wait and see whether they actually become ones.
- Still filling up the gap in the plot in chapter 9.
- The gym is under annual maintenance, so I have quite the withdrawal symptoms since my nice little routine is now broken...Luckily it will open again within few weeks so I can continue. Yayyy!
- Didn't get to study game design at Outokumpu. Well, it's their loss...
- Became part of an interesting translation project with an Indian acquintance.
- Japanese, Japanese, Japanese!
- Still attracting the not-attractive-in-my-eyes-type of guys...grrrrr.
- New apartment is freakin' awesome!
- Japanese language
- Battlestar Galactica
- Getting into shape
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