- Version 10.0 catching up to the older version!
- Everything including notes and side-explanations are now in English
- Some direct copy-paste done, but also some heavy modification to the structure
- Current expected chapter-count 5-6
- Currently getting started with brand-new chapter 4
- Characters are behaving according to their own will and don't listen to me XD
- Still ill
- Final university-exam approaching next week, but not worried about it...
- Held a public speech in Japanese in Helsinki...
- ...but still nervous about speaking in public or mingling with unknown people
- Still unable to approach interesting men *sigh*
- Has started to dream about going to Japan more than before
- Has so many ideas about what to do with life, but has no idea how
- Envy is the nastiest feeling in existence
- Has three entrance-exams waiting in the beginning of June